Saturday, June 1, 2013

Aggressive DUI Criminal Defense Attorney Los Angeles

For a DUI Criminal Defense Attorney to fight your DUI case, you may need to have accurate responses to the following questions. Each DUI arrest is unique and it would help your lawyer better evaluate your case if you provide clear description of the events surrounding your arrest both before and after the stop.

1.         Have you ever been arrested for drunk driving in Los Angeles before?

2.         Have you ever been convicted of drunk driving before?

3.         In what City in California were you arrested for Drunk Driving?

4.         What was the date of your arrest for DUI?

5.         What alcoholic beverage did you drink prior to the stop?

6.         Did you admit to the officer that you had something to drink?

7.         Did you admit to the officer that you used any drugs?

8.         Did you have a valid driver’s license at the time of the arrest?

9.         Did you have valid insurance at the time of the arrest?

10.       Did a police officer or a witness see you driving?

11.       Did you admit you were driving?

12.       Were you involved in a traffic collision?

13.       Was any passenger injured in the traffic collision?

14.       Was there anything mechanically wrong with your vehicle?

15.       Why did the officer stop you or pulled you over?

16.       Did you immediately stop after the police activated his siren?

17.       Did you have difficulty pulling over and parking the car?

18.       Did you have difficulty producing your driver's license or registration?

19.       Did the officer give you any field tests?

20.       What tests do you remember doing?

21.       Have you ever had injuries involving your ankles, knees, or back?

22.       Do you have any mouth, teeth, or gum disease?

23.       Do you believe you passed the field sobriety tests?

24.       Did the officer give you a breath test out in the field?

25.       Did the officer tell you could refuse to take this test?

26.       Did the officer give you a choice of taking a blood or breath test?

27.       What was the result of your tests?

28.       Did you refuse to take a breath or blood test and why?

29.       Were you advised your license would be suspended if you refused?

30.       How did the officer obtain your breath sample?

31.       How many breath samples did you give?

32.       Did you eat, drink, urinate or vomit prior to the test?

33.       After taking the breath test, did the officer offer blood test?

34.       If you gave blood, was your arm cleansed with a non-alcohol swab?

35.       Did you take the blood test voluntarily or was it coerced

For More information on Aggressive Defense of a DUI case, visit our website

Law Offices of Tony M. Seyfi  866-533-3363

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